Cooperate Social Responsibility

The MI RESOURCES Community Affairs program will follow a proactive approach to communicate with the host communities. We will foster healthy long-term relationships with communities through observance of the highest standards of our conduct.

To accomplish these goals MI RESOURCES will attempt to maintain good public relations with host communities. MI RESOURCES will educate all personnel in proper community affairs awareness. All new employees will attend an orientation/induction course.

MI RESOURCES considers that it is the duty of all employees to report any confrontations with the host communities and prevent confrontation between themselves and members of the host communities to the best of their ability. Accurate and timely reporting of all hostile confrontations or misunderstandings with host communities will give Management the opportunity to investigate and eliminate the underlying causes.

All Subcontractors will be expected to conduct their activities in a way that is completely in accordance with the Companies affairs Policy. Our goal is to foster healthy long-term relationships with communities through observance of the highest standards of our conduct and to develop mutually beneficial solutions to reduce the impact of our operations on the host community environment.

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